Giulio Marini
Temi di ricerca
Higher Education, Career, Mobilty, Research Evaluation, Human Resource Management
Dr. Giulio Marini is currently Senior Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the University of Catania, Italy, and Associate Editor of Studies in Higher Education. Previously, he has worked at CGHE at UCL, Cipes (Portugal), Scuola Normale Superiore, and the National Research Council (Italy) after having got his PhD at Sapienza University of Rome.
I have done research in higher education as a research field for 10+ years, more specifically at the staff side of universities, deepening knowledge on issues such as career frameworks, discrimiations, governance, academic freedom.
Associate Editor for "Studies in Higher Education"
Digital Public Service Design
Office Hours are either on Teams videocall on request or on Tuesdays 9am 10am in Room 11 Third Floor (labelled "Visiting Professor")
Please attend the Module on Mondays and Tuesdays 4:30pm - 6:30pm.
There is a respective Teams group at Digital Public Service Design 24/25 | General | Microsoft Teams
Guida alle tesi di laurea
In order to discuss undergraduate or postgraduate Final Dissertation, please send an email at giulio.marini@unict.it with a short description of idea. Thus, a meeting is scheduled to talk about it.