Seminario "A distributed approach to Nash equilibria"

Giovedì 16 maggio alle ore 12:00, il Prof. Stephen Watson (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, Canada) terrà un seminario dal titolo: "A distributed approach to Nash equilibria", presso la stanza riunioni del 3° piano del Palazzo delle Scienze (lato ovest).
On Thursday 16th of May at 12:00 am, Prof. Stephen Watson (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, Canada) will hold a seminar entitled: "A distributed approach to Nash equilibria", in the meeting room on the 3rd floor of Palazzo delle Scienze (west side). 
Riferimento DEI per questo seminario | DEI reference for this seminar: Prof. Alfio Giarlotta
We present a detailed proof for the existence in any game of an (arbitrarily small) equilibrium that is distributed over a set. 
The proof uses no fixed point theorem but instead uses elementary geometric properties of Euclidean space.
The existence of classical Nash equilibrium follows by compactness.
Data di Pubblicazione: 
Lunedì, 13 Maggio, 2024